
Norman Mellish was saved, by the grace of God from an ungodly home where careless parents were given to drink. When he was 16 the thought entered his mind, What if there is a God? As a direct result of these considerations, he made his way to a Gospel Meeting where he heard the truth of the coming of our Lord Jesus. The Lord spoke to him and on his knees he gave his heart to the savior on March 17th 1951.

At an early age of 21 years, he started his own business, which the Lord was pleased to bless. However having a burning desire to see others saved, at the age of 27, he started a Gospel work in a tent. When he was 33, he went out in full-time services for his master, on the principal of faith, being commended by the Wythenshawe Assembly, Manchester England. In the intervening years, since 1968, he has found God faithful in meeting all the needs of his family. Today he expounds the word of God in Australia, North America and across Europe. In recent years he has authored books on the epistles, and two prophetic commentaries on Daniel and Revelation.

Displaying Audio message 41 - 60 of 93 matching 'Messages by Norman Mellish'
All messages by Norman Mellish, All messages in Spanish
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Judges-02 ~ Judg 3-Othniel & Ehud Judges unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Judges-03 ~ Judg 4-Deborah Judges unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Judges-04 ~ Judg 6-Gideon Gideon Judges unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Lessons From Succoth Ex 12_37 ~ Deep Cove unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Levitical Offerings-01 Lev 1 ~ Fleetwood -- 2006 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Levitical Offerings-02 Lev 1 ~ Fleetwood -- 2006 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Levitical Offerings-03 Lev 4 ~ Fleetwood -- 2006 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Numbers 1-6-01 Numbers -- 2012 -- Langley English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Numbers 1-6-02 Numbers -- 2012 -- Langley English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Numbers 1-6-03 Numbers -- 2012 -- Langley English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Our Sonship Eph 1 unavailable Vancouver English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Philippians 1v 8-30 Philippians -- 2012 -- Bexley Gospel Hall English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Philippians 2v 1-30 Philippians -- 2012 -- Bexley Gospel Hall English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Philippians 3:1-6 Philippians -- 1994 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Philippians 3v 1-21 Philippians -- 2012 -- Bexley Gospel Hall English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Philippians 4v 1-23 Philippians -- 2012 -- Bexley Gospel Hall English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Redeemed From Egypt ~ Deep Cove unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Romans 12 Romans unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Sons ~ Eph 1 unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Mellish, Norman Spiritual Gifts -- 2009 -- unavailable English language