
J. Eddie Schwartz is from a Jewish background, but was not reared in Judaism. He trusted Christ as Saviour and Lord, in 1954. His wife Louise, who came from a Church of Christ background, became a believer in Christ shortly after that. J. Eddie received his secular education, as well as Biblical training in Richmond, VA, where he was born, and for a number of years, was a hand engraver of printing plates. In 1968 the Schwartzes were commended by two assemblies to the Lord's work inMore …

Displaying all 10 Audio message matching 'Messages delivered in 1994 by J Eddie Schwartz'
All messages by J Eddie Schwartz, All speakers from 1994
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie Discoveries -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie Habakkuk-01 Habakkuk -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie Habakkuk-03 Habakkuk -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie Job 9v30 Job -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie John 15v17 -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie John 17v1 -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie John 17v6 -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie John 3 -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie Matthew 4v19 Matthew -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language
Arrow_down Pixel Schwartz, J Eddie Romans 3v19 Romans -- 1994 -- Bahamas English language