
Ebenezer W. (E.W.) Rogers (1893 - 1977)

The greatest memory that most assembly Christians cherish of E. W. as he was familiarly called, is of a small man standing motionless on the platform, apart from moving lips, and pouring forth in short lucid sentences the truth of God. His motionlessness did not prevent his ministry being interesting. It is known that at least one youth, even before his conversion, was so impressed by the little man as he taught the Word of God that heMore …

Displaying 1 Audio message matching 'Messages delivered in 1961 by E W Rogers'
All messages by E W Rogers, All speakers from 1961
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Rogers, E W The Second Coming ~ Greenwood Hills Conf. -- 1961 -- Greenwood Hills English language